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+ People and Organizations
+ Missions, Programs, and Projects
+ Buildings and Facilities
+ Newsletters

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People and Organizations
Information about Ames, its functional units, and its personnel, such as biographies, obituaries, memoirs, interviews, documents, brochures, reports, photographs, audio-visual, and other materials.
Archives Reference Collection. Selected subject areas:
Biographical files
Telephone directories
Organizational charts
Organizational overviews and reports
Anniversary files
+ Oral History Interviews of Ames Personnel
+ Supplemental guide, Series I index (XLSX download)
+ Supplemental guide, Series II index (XLSX download)
+ Public Affairs Office Collection
(press kits, subject files, news releases, other)
+ Histories of Ames Research Files, 1970-2009
(research files, papers, biographical information, interviews, other)
+ Supplemental Guide: Series VII File Inventory
+ Ames Motion Simulator Research Collection 1959-1994
+ Ames Research Center Response to COVID-19 Collection
+ Roger D. Arno Papers
+ Lawrence J. Caroff Notebooks, 1986-2001
+ Robert P. Hogan Collection, 1969-1997
+ Robert W. Jackson Collection, 1964-1999
+ Elliott C. Levinthal Viking Lander Imaging Science Team Papers, 1970-1980
+ David W. Lozier Papers
+ Larry A. Manning Papers, 1967-1988
+ George B. McCullough Papers, 1943-1965
+ John D. Mihalov Papers, 1960-1997
+ Amelia Reid National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)
Human Computer Papers, 1945-1958
+ Vernon L. Rogallo Papers, 1948-1992
+ Alvin Seiff Papers, 1955-2000
+ Robert E. Slye Papers, 1961-1999
+ Michael W. Werner Spitzer Space Telescope Development Project Files
+ Donald E. Wilson Earth Resources Survey Program Papers, 1972-1983
+ Kenneth B. Wilton and Alfred L. Ercoline Bending Brake and Related Records
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Missions, Programs, and Projects
Information about Ames-managed missions, programs, and projects, such as: documents, photographs, presentations, proposals, reports, plans, reviews, drawings, specifications, outreach materials, ephemera, memorabilia, artwork, and other materials.
+ LCROSS Project Collection, 2007-2010
+ Lunar Prospector Project Records, 1995-1998
+ PAET Flight Project Binders, 1970-1971
+ Pioneer Project Collection, 1952-1996
+ Supplemental guide, file index
+ Supplemental guide, AV material
Selected unprocessed collections:
Cosmos Bion and Foton Missions
Galileo Probe
Kepler Mission
Kepler K2 Mission
Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO)
Mars Environmental Survey (MESUR)
NASA Astrobiology Institute
Shuttle Infrared Telescope Facility / Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF)
Stratospheric Observatory for Atmospheric Science (SOFIA)
See also:
Archives Reference Collection. Selected subject areas:
Program and project overviews
Mission files
+ Public Affairs Office Collection (press kits, subject files, news releases, other)
+ Elliott C. Levinthal Viking Lander Imaging Science Team Papers, 1970-1980
+ David W. Lozier Papers (Pioneers, Lunar Prospector, other)
+Larry A. Manning Papers, 1967-1988 (Pioneer, SIRTF, other)
+ John D. Mihalov Papers, 1960-1997 (Pioneers 6 - 12, Galileo Probe)
+ Supplemental Guide, File Key
+ Alvin Seiff Papers, 1955-2000
(Viking landers, Cassini-Huygens, Galileo, and other space probe projects.
Additional missions in uprocessed materials)
+Robert E. Slye Papers, 1961-1999 (Landsat, remote sensing; computing)
+Donald E. Wilson Earth Resources Survey Program Papers, 1972-1983
(Landsat, remote sensing)
+ Supplemental guide
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Buildings and Facilities
Information chronicling the evolution of facilities at Ames, such as documents, photographs, plans, reports, and other materials.
Archives Reference Collection, 1939-
Facility overviews and capabilities
Master plans
+ Ames Library Collection, 1967-1989
+ Ames Motion Simulator Research Collection 1959-1994
+ Ames Research Center Central Computer Facility Collection, 1940-2022
See also: + Ames Historic Preservation Office
(historic property documentation and maps, such as section 106 undertaking correspondence and technical documentation; national register nomination packages, re-use guidelines, and other information.)
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Newsletters produced by the center and its business units.
Ames Research Center Newsletter
+ Ames Astrogram (1958 to the present)
Other Newsletters in the Archives Reference Collection
(Incomplete, some files are NASA internal)
Center Operations Newsletter, CONnect
Computer Systems Research Division Newsletter, On_line
Entry Systems and Technology Division Newsletter, Entry Pulse
Moffett Field Newsletters, Moffett Beacon and Zero Hour
NASA Research Park Newsletter, The NRP Post
Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Program Newsletter, UNAS
Office of the Director Newsletters, TechBytes and TechBits
Pioneer Project, Pioneer Jupiter Newsletter
Safety, Reliability, and Quality Assurance Office Newsletter, On Target
Space Life Sciences Payloads Office Newsletter, Star Date
Western Regional Applications Program Newsletter, Plain Brown Wrapper
Wind Tunnel Operations Division Newsletter, FO Outlook
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