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Book Cover Image
NFAC History
The World's Largest Wind Tunnels: Their History, Contributions to Aeronautics, and Importance to Flight. A History of the NASA Ames 40- by 80-Foot and 80- by 120-Foot Wind Tunnels.
This book by Kenneth Mort describes the history of the NFAC facility in detail. Modifications to the tunnel are described along with much of the research and development testing performed over the years.
(NASA SP-2020-5009237)
(159.9 MB PDF File)

Book Cover Image
Figures of Merit: Remembrances of Those Who Built an Army-NASA Collaboration and a New Age of Rotary-Wing Technology, 1965-1985.
A collection of memoirs by 40 scientists, engineers, technicians, secretaries, test pilots, and leaders who built a unique interagency collaboration under an Army-NASA Joint Agreement at Ames. Edited by Robert Ormiston and Irving Statler.
(NASA SP-2018-3713)
(78.5 MB PDF File)

Aerial view of Ames, 1938
Aerial Photos of Ames
Ames Research Center, as seen from above, from 1938 to 1995. Compiled by Jack Boyd.
+ 43 aerial views of Ames

Rick Guidice's Painting of the Interior of a Bernal Sphere
Rick Guidice's Painting of the exterior of a Bernal Sphere
Space Settlement Paintings
Paintings of space settlement designs from the 1970s.
+ NPR Science Friday article
+ Ames Astrogram article
+ CNN Style article featuring settlement paintings by Don Davis and Rick Guidice

Image of Pioneer 10
Image of Pioneer 10/11 Mission Patch
Painting of Pioneer 10 by Rick Guidice
The Extraordinary Pioneer 10 Spacecraft, Mankind's First Deep Space Probe
+ NASA Pioneer 10 informational page
+ Pioneers of Sol: The Motes in Gods Eye - Astrobiology Magazine Article by Richard Corfield commemorating the 40th anniversary of Pioneer 10.
+ Pioneer Odyssey: Encounter with a Giant - NASA Special Publication about Pioneers 10 and 11 by Richard O. Fimmel, William Swindell, and Eric Burgess, dated 1977.
+ Historical Records - Guides to Pioneer Project Records in the ARC Archives.
+ Pioneer Anomaly - June 2012 study identifies heat as source of Pioneer Anomaly.

Image of KAO book covedr Historical Monograph
+ NASA's Kuiper Airborne Observatory, 1971-1995: An Operations Retrospective with a View to SOFIA by Edwin F. Erickson and Allan W. Meyer (NASA SP-2013-216025).
(58.4 MB PDF file)

Image of Hans Mark Planetary Entry Probes 1953-2036
Alvin Seiff Memorial Award recipient Jim Arnold's paper on the history of NASA's entry probe technology development for planetary exploration.
+ Paper presented at the Tenth International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW-10).

Image of Jack Boyd Image of Hans Mark NASA APPEL Masters with Masters Conversation with Jack Boyd and Hans Mark
Boyd and Mark discuss lessons they've learned as leaders in aerospace over the decades.
+ Video (TRT 58:47)
+ ASK Magazine article (Fall 2012)

Image of George Cooper France Awards Legion of Honor
to Former Ames Test Pilot
George Cooper

+ Biographical article with details about Cooper's receipt of this prestigious award on May 8, 2012.

Image of Jack Boyd "The Freedom to Learn"
Jack Boyd reflects on a rich career at Ames and a advises how to strengthen future innovation by staying connected with the past in the fall 2010 issue of ASK Magazine.
+ Download PDF of article

Cover of Air&Space Magazine + "How the Spaceship Got Its Shape." Article about Harvey Allen by Andrew Chaikin in the November 2009 issue of Air & Space Magazine.

Jack Boyd Talks at Google + YouTube Video of Jack Boyd's 2009 History Presentation:
Jack Boyd tells Google staff about the history of NASA Ames.

image of Wright Flyer + The NACA Reunion IX Memory Album


Image of LCROSS

The History Archvies are open for research, though on-site access is closed until further notice.

+ See All Collection Guides

Selected Guides:

+ Michael W. Werner Spitzer Space Telescope Development Project Files: This collection primarily relates to the project management and development of the Spitzer Space Telescope (formerly the Shuttle Infrared Telescope Facility and Space Infrared Telescope Facility) at Ames Research Center, where Werner was Project Scientist and Science Working Group Chairman for the telescope. Processed by April Gage.

+ David W. Lozier Papers: Personal papers of David W. Lozier, a retired Ames computer programmer, engineer, and flight director. The collection provides insights into Lozier, NASA culture, and several probe and telescope missions (notably the Pioneers and Lunar Prospector). Processed by Dori Myer.

+ NASA Student Space Settlement Design Contest Collection: Selected entries for NASA's annual space settlement design contest (original artworks and technical reports) created by students from around the world in grades twelve and under. Also included is a technical paper about the contest and a photograph of contest ephemera. Processed by April Gage

+ Ames Astrogram Collection Updated: This collection of the center's newsletter now spans from 1958-2021. Accrual processed by April Gage.

+ Ames Research Center Response to COVID-19 Collection: This collection provides insight into the center's response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Processed by April Gage, Danielle K. Lopez, and James N. Anderson.

+ Oral History Interviews of Ames Personnel Collection: Oral history interview transcripts of personnel from NASA Ames Research Center and its precursor organization, the NACA Ames Aeronautical Laboratory. Processed by April Gage.

+ Ames Library Collection: This collection provides insight on library staff, culture, planning, operations, and facility changes for nearly two two decades, from 1967 to 1989. Processed by Danielle K. Lopez.

+ Ames Motion Simulator Research Collection: This collection primarily contains photographs depicting motion simulator research at Ames. Processed by Danielle K. Lopez.

+ Roger Arno Papers: Updated Guide. Includes Arno's artwork, in the form of illustrations representing engineering concepts, as well as editorial cartoons about NASA people and projects. Processed by April Gage.

+ Public Affairs Office Collection Updated: Added press releases through April 9, 2020 and an index to releases in digital form, from 2006-2020. News materials, communications, audio-visual media, subject files, and photographs produced and accumulated by Public Affairs Office. Processed by April Gage.

+ Histories of Ames Research Files Collection Updated: This collection contains research materials collected by individuals hired by NASA to write histories of NASA Ames or its research and development activities. Guide re-written and an accrual added. Processed by April Gage.

+ LCROSS Collection Updated: Contains material related to the mission's outreach efforts. Included are digital photographs, fact sheets, booklets, technical papers, briefings, presentations, video footage, social media campaign records, awards, posters, ephemera, objects, and memorabilia. Processed by April Gage.

+ Lunar Prospector Collection: Documents the management of all aspects of the project, from the initial proposal through the extended mission. The collection contains proposals, contracts, correspondence, status reports, planning documents, design reviews, scientific findings, presentations, and news footage. Processed by April Gage.

+ George B. McCullough Papers: Collection of this Ames NACA/NASA aeronautical engineer's investigations into airfoils, helicopter rotors, and launch vehicles. Processed by Danielle K. Lopez.

+ ADP Acquisition Planning Records: these planning records offer insight into three decades of computing capabilities at Ames.
Processed by April Gage.

+ Vernon L. Rogallo Papers: records, photographs, and artifacts related to Rogallo's career as an Ames engineer and promotion of "Flexikite" stunt kites based on his brother Frances's famous Rogallo wing design. Processed by Mikael Wester.

+ PAET Flight Project Binders: material related to the Planetary Atmosphere Experiments Test (PAET) Project. Processed by Jack Doran.

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NASA Ames Research Center Archives
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